Explore Color

Start your correction journey with color theory - learn the basics and venture into the advanced of color properties and how to alter them.

Understanding color sets you up to make the right decisions when it comes to fixing brows for your clients.


  • Color theory
  • How to create brown
  • Why colors change
  • Pigment ingredient information
  • Which needles and pigments to use for correction
  • How to correct eyebrows of all colors
  • Overview of removal and when to use it

This course also includes:

  • 2 real client case studies that show the journey through correction (featuring a red brow and blue brow correction)
  • 15 guided mixing exercises that are a lot of fun!
  • Handouts and diagrams
  • Opportunity to discuss with your instructor and peers
  • Final exam (must pass to obtain certificate)
  • Unlimited access! This course never expires once you enroll

Case Studies

Navigate our case studies from start to finish to see how corrections work in real life. These examples include two of the most common corrections: red/orange and blue/grey brows.

Mixing Exercises

Have fun with mixing! If you purchase this course with the optional practice kit you can follow along with our mixing exercises and play around with SofTap colors on your own to better understand them.


Answer prompts throughout the course to make sure you're absorbing all the important information - explore the possibilities of what path to take with color corrections and how there is always more than one right answer.


Check out the first section in our free preview!

Choose a Pricing Option

Current pricing is for the first month of the class release (exp 5/31/23); For this month prices are set at $50 off either course option! Pricing will go up on 6/1/23

Don't miss this special deal on this extraordinary class!

This class awards a certificate of completion of 4 hours

***When creating your account, please use your name as you would like it to appear on your certificate***

This class is intended to instruct individuals in the theoretical application of EYEBROW COLOR CORRECTION procedure
This class is NOT designed to certify individuals in the practical application of permanent cosmetics and does not guarantee the quality of any individual’s work
SofTap® cannot anticipate all conditions under which the SofTap® products, classes and procedures will be taught and/or performed. All trainer and technician members are independent contractors and therefore the SofTap® Co. accepts no responsibility for the results obtained by the application of our products, either done alone or in combination with other products, the quality of classes, and/or the quality of the procedures performed. Users are advised to make their own determinations for the suitability of each product, product combination, classes, and/or procedures for their own purposes